

  • laboratoarium stainfrij stiel cement curing wetter badbank
  • YSC-306 Laboratory Stainless Steel Cement Cent Curing Baths

    YSC-306 Laboratory Stainless Steel Cement Cent Curing Baths

    YSC-306 Stainfrij stiel laboroarium Cement Curing Curing Curing Curing Curing op it Cement-gearkomst neffens de easken fan GB / T176719 om te soargjen dat it stekproef wurdt genêzen yn it temperatuerberik fan 20 ℃ ± 1 ℃. It YSC-306 Type en YSC-Type 309 kin foldwaan oan ferskate brûkersike parameters: 1. Test Water Tanks per ferdjipping, yn totaal trije lagen 40x40x 160-testblokken 6 grids x 90 blokken = 540 ...
  • YSC-306L Intelligent Stainless Steel Cement Curing Tank

    YSC-306L Intelligent Stainless Steel Cement Curing Tank

    YSC-306L intelligent stainless steel cement curing water tank The product is water-cured according to the requirements of the national standards GB / T17671-1999 and ISO679-1999 to ensure that the specimen is cured within the temperature range of 20 ℃ ± 1 ℃. Unôfhinklike temperatuerkontrôle om te soargjen dat de wettertemperatuer unifoarm is sûnder mei elkoar te ynterpretearjen. It haadlichem fan dit produkt is makke fan 304 roestfrij stiel, en de programmearbere controller wurdt brûkt foar gegevenssamling ...
  • YSC-309 Stainless Steel Cement Curing Water Tank

    YSC-309 Stainless Steel Cement Curing Water Tank

    YSC-309 stainless steel cement curing water tank This product will conduct water curing for cement specimen in conformity with international standards GB/T17671-1999 and ISO679-1999 and can ensure that the curing of the specimen is performed within the temperature range of 20°C±1C. This product is made of stainless steel and microcomputer is adopted to display the control.It is characterized by artistic appearance and easy operation. Technyske parameters: 1. Stromfoarsjenning: Ac220V ± 10% 2. Volume ...
  • laboratoarium cement curing wettertank
  • YSC-104 roestfrij stiel cement curing trog
  • Hege temperatuer Muffle Oven 1600-graad

    Hege temperatuer Muffle Oven 1600-graad

    High Temperatur Lable Oven 1600-degree brûkt: Fekstype ferset tsjin ferwidere foar gemyske elemint, harmde hjittens, en oare hege temperatuer, en oare hege hjittens, en oare hege temperatuer fan 'e hege temperatuer fan' e arbeiders fan ynslacht en mynhearen, ûndersyksynstituten; kin ek brûkt wurde foar sintering fan metaal, stien, keramyske, ûntbining fan ûntheffing fan ferwaarmings fan ferwaarming fan hege temperatuer. Skaaimerken: 1. Unike doarûntwerp, feilich en maklike doar op ...


    Product Description YH-60B constant temperature and humidity curing box Fully automatic control function, digital display meter shows temperature, humidity, ultrasonic humidification, the inner tank is made of imported stainless steel.Technical Parameters:1.Internal dimensions: 960 x 570 x 1000 (mm)2. Kapasiteit: 60 sets fan sêfte praktyk testmallen, 90 blokken 150 x 150 × 150 konkrete testen MAD.3. Constant temperature range: 16-40 ℃ adjustable4. Constant humidity range: ≥90%5. Compresso...
  • YH-40B-sement konstante temperatuer en fochtigens Curing Box
  • YH-40B Constant Temperatur Luftfeuchtigkeit Standert beton Conning Chamber
  • Product Description Concrete Standard Temperature Humidity Curing Chamber According to user requirements, in order to facilitate the maintenance of cement and concrete specimens to reach national standards, our company has specially manufactured a new 80B constant temperature and humidity curing box to meet customers with relatively large specimens. Makke fan rostfrij stiel. Technyske parameters: 1. Liner Grutte: 1450 x 580 x 1350 (mm) 2. Kapasiteit: 150 stikken beton 150 x 150 testmuorre ...
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